
可愛い子猫、突然二本足で何故立った? Why did a cute kitten suddenly stand on two legs? 急な斜面なのでキジトラ子猫が立ち上がって木を支えにしてました。 Thank you for watching! ☘ We are delivering a video of exchanges with cute stray cats I met in the park. Good button, please subscribe! ↓ https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCy2a... 😸 Recommended video ⚪︎After chasing after a black cat and playing, I escaped to a place I could never go to! https://youtu.be/arBzGVG4rGU Thank you 1 million views! ⚪︎【Fish rice】 Stray cat eating deliciously are cute! https://youtu.be/HmcIrJo05TQ ⚪︎Japanese stray cat videos, documentary channel "Noraneko kazoku" compilation https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ⚪︎Rice for cats Japanese street cats eat deliciously Video channel "Noraneko kazoku" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... ⚪︎Free action channels of Japanese cute stray cats "Noraneko kazoku" https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list... 《Instagram》 https://instagram.com/noraneko_kazoku 《Tumblr》 https://noranekokazoku.tumblr.com/ We are distributing exchange videos with cute stray cats we met in a Japanese park. Please subscribe to the channel!"noraneko kazoku" Thank you for watching many people somewhere in the world today. Thank you. Come again! #cat #cats #funnycats #coolcats #ilovecats #straycats #catvideos #catmeowing #kittycat